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Txt Your Ex

文字疗法 - 一种聊天服务,帮助您忘记前任并避免发送短信的诱惑。无畏地分享您的秘密,放下过去。由AE Studio用爱制作。


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Text Therapy is a messaging platform designed to help individuals move on from past relationships and resist the temptation to send texts to their ex. It provides a supportive chat environment to cheer users up and share their feelings without fear of judgment.

如何使用 Txt Your Ex?

1. Sign up for an account on Text Therapy 2. Choose a plan that suits your needs 3. Start chatting with supportive listeners and share your feelings 4. Engage in conversations to help you move on and grow emotionally

核心功能 Txt Your Ex:


Messaging platform for emotional support


Encourages letting go and growth


Provides a safe space for sharing


Helps users resist the urge to text their ex


Supports users in releasing emotional attachment

为什么要使用 Txt Your Ex?

# 1Moving on from past relationships
# 2Resisting the temptation to text ex-partners
# 3Seeking emotional support and guidance

定价 Txt Your Ex:

Basic Plan


Access to basic features and limited chat support

Premium Plan


Full access to all features, unlimited chat support, and personalized guidance

开发者 Txt Your Ex?

AE Studio is the maker of Text Therapy, a team dedicated to creating innovative solutions for mental health and emotional well-being.

常见问题 Txt Your Ex