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Quarter Progress - MacOS Menu Bar App

通过这个方便的 Mac 菜单栏应用程序,了解我们在年度季度方面的进展。跟踪到下一个季度的进度,以便不会错过下一个季度会议或截止日期。一眼就可以看到您所处的季度,距离下一个季度还有多少天,以及年度完成的百分比。该应用程序简单易用,不显眼。它位于您的菜单栏中,让您了解情况而不会打扰您。它不做假设,也不发送警报或通知。给出一个公平的价格。您将收到一个下载链接,可下载并安装 MacOSX 菜单栏应用程序。


Quarter Progress - MacOS Menu Bar App-image-0


Stay on top of where we are in the year in terms of quarters with this handy Mac menu bar app. Track progress towards the next quarter so you don't miss that next once in a quarter meeting or deadline. With a glance, you can see what quarter you're in, how many days are left until the next quarter, and what percentage of the year is complete. The app is simple to use and unobtrusive, sitting in your menu bar keeping you informed without getting in your way. It makes no assumptions and does not send alarms or notifications.

如何使用 Quarter Progress - MacOS Menu Bar App?

Simply download and install the MacOSX menu bar app. It will display the current quarter, days left until the next quarter, and the percentage of the year completed in your menu bar.

核心功能 Quarter Progress - MacOS Menu Bar App:


Track progress towards the next quarter


View current quarter and days left until next quarter


See percentage of the year completed

为什么要使用 Quarter Progress - MacOS Menu Bar App?

# 1Stay informed about current quarter
# 2Meet deadlines and appointments
# 3Track progress towards goals

开发者 Quarter Progress - MacOS Menu Bar App?

Dev Tanna

常见问题 Quarter Progress - MacOS Menu Bar App