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Notify Me

NotifyMe 是一款集成 Intercom 和 Slack 的应用程序,可实时通知您有关新提及或 CSAT 评分的信息。它帮助支持团队快速发现和跟进 CSAT 评分,使您的团队专注于提供高质量的支持。


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Get notified in Slack in real time for Intercom events. We integrate your Intercom and Slack. Every new mention or CSAT rating is sent to Slack.

如何使用 Notify Me?

Simply integrate your Intercom and Slack accounts with NotifyMe app to start receiving real-time notifications for Intercom events. Customize your notifications and reports based on your specific use cases.

核心功能 Notify Me:


Real-time notifications in Slack for Intercom events


Integration of Intercom and Slack


Automatic message in Slack for new mentions or CSAT ratings

为什么要使用 Notify Me?

# 1Receive immediate notifications for new CSAT ratings
# 2Spot and follow up on bad CSAT ratings
# 3Customize notifications and reports for different use cases

定价 Notify Me:

Free Trial

Try it out for free now. No Credit Card needed. Cancel anytime.

开发者 Notify Me?


常见问题 Notify Me