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JQuery to JavaScript converter

一种将 jQuery 脚本转换为高效 JavaScript 的工具。立即获得可靠的链式现代 JavaScript 代码,可用作最小的实用库,同时保持现有代码不变。


JQuery to JavaScript converter -image-0
JQuery to JavaScript converter -image-1
JQuery to JavaScript converter -image-2


Convert your jQuery scripts to efficient JavaScript directly in your browser. Receive reliable chainable modern JavaScript code instantly that can be used as a minimal utility library while keeping your existing code untouched.

如何使用 JQuery to JavaScript converter ?

Simply input your jQuery code and receive the equivalent modern JavaScript code instantly. Use the CLI tool for batch processing and efficient conversion of multiple files.

核心功能 JQuery to JavaScript converter :


Convert jQuery code to modern JavaScript


Maintain original code while transitioning from jQuery


Generate efficient JavaScript code


Support all modern browsers


CLI tool for batch processing

为什么要使用 JQuery to JavaScript converter ?

# 1Transitioning from jQuery to vanilla JavaScript
# 2Efficiently converting multiple files
# 3Integrating conversion process into workflow

开发者 JQuery to JavaScript converter ?

The maker of this tool is focused on providing developers with a seamless transition from jQuery to modern JavaScript, ensuring code efficiency and compatibility with all modern browsers.

常见问题 JQuery to JavaScript converter