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German Demo Finder

使用 ZSW 应用程序在整个德国发现、分享和参与示威活动。获取关于即将举行的活动的实时更新,通过社交网络直接与朋友和感兴趣的人分享示威活动的详细信息,将即将举行的示威活动添加到个人日历中并与其他用户讨论。加入一个不断增长的社区,为变革和公民参与做出贡献。


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Discover the app that facilitates access to information about demonstrations and gatherings in Germany and enables sharing of new events. Our ZSW iOS app is designed to make information about demonstrations easily accessible and simplify the sharing of events. With our user-friendly interface, you can quickly find the latest demos, get informed, and actively participate. Join a growing community advocating for change and social impact.

如何使用 German Demo Finder?

Download the app, explore upcoming demos and events, share details with friends, add demos to your personal calendar, provide feedback, and engage with the community for social change.

核心功能 German Demo Finder:


Current Info Updates


Event Sharing


Personal Calendar


Interactive Map


Community Feedback

为什么要使用 German Demo Finder?

# 1Stay Informed about Demos
# 2Share Demo Details
# 3Engage with Community

开发者 German Demo Finder?

Dennis Wilke is the developer behind the ZSW app, dedicated to promoting citizen engagement and social change through easy access to information about demonstrations and events in Germany.

常见问题 German Demo Finder