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Crewdle Mist

Crewdle Mist是第一个将云服务扩展到极端边缘的雾计算平台,提供低延迟、数据隐私和主权。只需几分钟,即可通过雾计算节省云成本。探索实时数据处理、本地边缘计算、增强安全性以及与现有云服务集成。


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Mist computing is a technology that enables data processing directly on devices, enhancing real-time decision-making and data security. It extends cloud services to the extreme edge, prioritizing data privacy and sovereignty while ensuring low latency for high-volume data workloads.

如何使用 Crewdle Mist?

To use Crewdle Mist, developers can start by exploring the Mist Computing platform, PubSub for real-time messaging, Object Storage for data storage needs, and KeyValue Database for data handling optimization. Developers can discuss their specific use cases with the team and extend their stack to the extreme edge in minutes.

核心功能 Crewdle Mist:


Real-Time Data Processing


Local Edge Computing


Integrates with Existing Cloud Services


Enhanced Security

为什么要使用 Crewdle Mist?

# 1Streamline Real-Time Messaging and File Sharing
# 2Supercharge Data Storage Needs
# 3Accelerate Data Access and Optimization

开发者 Crewdle Mist?

Crewdle Technologies Inc is a technology company focused on decentralized edge-level computing and data handling. They provide a fully integrated platform for developers to extend cloud services effortlessly.

常见问题 Crewdle Mist