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ClearedContact by Auventic, Inc.

Stop AI Deepfake Fraud 保护您的电话通话免受不断增长的 Deepfake AI 语音欺诈的影响。通过向呼叫者和接收者发送预通知并生成代码词,我们的应用程序确保每次对话的真实性,而不会干扰您现有的电话号码或使用方式。在美国可用,其他国家即将推出。iOS 应用程序,Android 应用程序。观看演示。


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Contact fortifies your phone calls against the rising tide of deep fake AI voice fraud. By sending a prenotification and generating code words for both caller and recipient, our app ensures the authenticity of each conversation without disrupting your existing phone number or usage. Available in the US, with other countries coming soon.

如何使用 ClearedContact by Auventic, Inc.?

To use Contact, simply download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store, create an account, and follow the on-screen instructions to set up secure connections and receive prenotifications for your phone calls.

核心功能 ClearedContact by Auventic, Inc.:


Deepfake Protection


Phone Ownership Validation


Contact Verification


Precall Alerts

为什么要使用 ClearedContact by Auventic, Inc.?

# 1Enhancing Security
# 2Ensuring Authenticity of Conversations
# 3Preventing Deepfake AI Voice Fraud

开发者 ClearedContact by Auventic, Inc.?

The maker of Contact is dedicated to providing innovative solutions for phone call security and authenticity verification.

常见问题 ClearedContact by Auventic, Inc.