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bundleIQ Chrome Extension

使用 bundleIQ Chrome 扩展,您可以在撰写时获得智能建议,并与网页和 YouTube 视频进行聊天。该扩展允许您即时总结广泛的网络内容,包括详细文章、动态网页甚至 YouTube 视频。此外,该扩展配备了类似 ChatGPT 的 AI 聊天功能,可与在线内容进行对话交互。适用于研究人员、学者、分析师和记者,bundleIQ Chrome 扩展改变了专业人士处理和利用信息的方式。通过集成 AI,确保用户可以在丰富数据的噪音中导航,并专注于最重要的见解。现在兼容新的 Alani UI 版本 4.7.0。


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Get intelligent suggestions while you write and chat with web pages and YouTube videos using bundleIQ Chrome Extension. Summarize extensive web content quickly and interact with online content through AI chat functionality.

如何使用 bundleIQ Chrome Extension?

Install the bundleIQ Chrome Extension, use the intelligent suggestions while writing, summarize web content, and chat with web pages and videos. Explore the AI chat functionality for interactive online content interaction.

核心功能 bundleIQ Chrome Extension:


Intelligent suggestions while writing


Summarize web content


Chat with web pages and videos

为什么要使用 bundleIQ Chrome Extension?

# 1Research
# 2Academic work
# 3Journalism

定价 bundleIQ Chrome Extension:

Basic Plan


Access to basic features of the extension

Pro Plan


Unlock advanced features and AI chat functionality

开发者 bundleIQ Chrome Extension?

bundleIQ is a developer based in West Palm Beach, FL, focused on creating innovative tools for information processing and interaction.

常见问题 bundleIQ Chrome Extension