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Mô tả

Create wishlists to make gifting easier and avoid receiving unwanted gifts like socks and underwear. Build your own wishlists, add products, and let others know exactly what you want.

Cách sử dụng snagg?

Simply create an account, start building your wishlists by adding products, customize notes for each item, provide product links for easy access, and use the quick add feature for efficient product addition while shopping online or in-store.

Tính năng chính của snagg:


Create wishlists


Add products


Customize notes for products


Provide product links


Quick add feature

Tại sao nên sử dụng snagg?

#Trường hợp sử dụngTrạng thái
# 1Birthday gifting
# 2Housewarming gifts
# 3Christmas presents

Do ai phát triển snagg?

Your Snagg Wishlist PTY Ltd aims to simplify the gifting process by allowing users to create personalized wishlists and receive the gifts they truly desire.

Câu hỏi thường gặp snagg