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Shareable Calendar for Scheduling

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Shareable Calendar for Collaborative Scheduling

Cách sử dụng Shareable Calendar for Scheduling?

To use the Shareable Calendar for Collaborative Scheduling, follow these steps: Organizer: 1. Press the Start Scheduling button to create a new calendar. 2. Enter the possible time slots in the calendar. 3. Add expected members in advance; participants can also add themselves. 4. Share the URL with participants. 5. Once everyone has entered their availability, the scheduling is complete. Participant: 1. Receive the URL shared by the organizer. 2. Select your name and enter your preferred dates and times in the calendar. 3. Contact the organizer once you have finished entering your availability. Additional Features: - Log in with Google to load your calendar. - Synchronize the calendar with other participants in real-time.

Tính năng chính của Shareable Calendar for Scheduling:


Batch register members


Mobile usability improvements


Create new calendar


Enter available dates


Identify suitable date


Share URL with participants


Real-time synchronization


No account registration required


Free online calendar service

Tại sao nên sử dụng Shareable Calendar for Scheduling?

#Trường hợp sử dụngTrạng thái
# 1Scheduling meetings
# 2Coordinating events
# 3Finding suitable dates for group activities

Do ai phát triển Shareable Calendar for Scheduling?

GussieTech provides a free online calendar service that allows users to schedule meetings and events collaboratively without the need for account registration. The service is convenient and can be used indefinitely, with the ability to share calendar URLs worldwide and integrate with Google calendars.

Câu hỏi thường gặp Shareable Calendar for Scheduling