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Parkour Controller for Unity

Hệ thống Parkour và Leo núi thứ ba cho việc phát triển trò chơi Unity, với nhảy dự đoán, hành động leo núi và chuyển đổi mượt mà giữa các chế độ leo núi khác nhau.

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Parkour Controller for Unity-image-0
Parkour Controller for Unity-image-1
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Parkour Controller for Unity-image-4
Parkour Controller for Unity-image-5
Parkour Controller for Unity-image-6
Parkour Controller for Unity-image-7
Parkour Controller for Unity-image-8
Parkour Controller for Unity-image-9
Parkour Controller for Unity-image-10

Mô tả

Third-person Parkour and Climbing System that allows players to traverse complex environments in games using parkour and climbing actions. The system includes predictive jumping, ledge climbing, dynamic climbing animations, and seamless transitions between different climbing actions.

Cách sử dụng Parkour Controller for Unity?

Simply drag the Parkour controller prefab into your scene and start playing. You can bake climb points on ledges with a single click to enable climbing interactions. The system includes 32 climbing animations and 14 Parkour animations for added realism.

Tính năng chính của Parkour Controller for Unity:


Predictive Jumping


Hang on Ledges


Inverse Kinematics (IK)


Braced Hang and Free Hang Climbs


Climbing on Ledges at Different Angles

Tại sao nên sử dụng Parkour Controller for Unity?

#Trường hợp sử dụngTrạng thái
# 1Creating dynamic and engaging parkour gameplay
# 2Enhancing player movement and interaction with the game environment
# 3Adding realistic climbing mechanics to game levels

Giá cả của Parkour Controller for Unity:

Standard License


Single Entity License with VAT calculated at checkout

Do ai phát triển Parkour Controller for Unity?

Fantacode Studios is the publisher of the Parkour and Climbing System on Unity Asset Store. They provide quality assets and support for game developers.

Câu hỏi thường gặp Parkour Controller for Unity