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Effortlessly share your files anywhere. Share documents, photos, and videos instantly. Secure and hassle-free file sharing platform.

Cách sử dụng DoShare?

Simply click to upload or drag and drop your file. You can share the direct link to your file with others for easy access and download.

Tính năng chính của DoShare:


File Size Limit: 200MB


Supports various file formats: DOC, XLS, PDF, TAR, MP3, MP4, ZIP, SVG, PNG, JPG, GIF


Direct Link Sharing


Auto-deletion after 24 hours


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Tại sao nên sử dụng DoShare?

#Trường hợp sử dụngTrạng thái
# 1Sharing documents with colleagues
# 2Sharing photos with friends and family
# 3Sharing videos for collaboration projects

Do ai phát triển DoShare?

The maker of this platform is dedicated to providing a secure and efficient file sharing service for users worldwide.

Câu hỏi thường gặp DoShare