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Автоматизируйте свою работу с помощью Wrk

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Маркетинговая автоматизацияИскусственный интеллектBots
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Wrk is an all-in-one automation platform that helps companies and business professionals automate their work processes efficiently. It offers a wide range of features and capabilities to streamline tasks and increase productivity.

Как использовать Wrk Automation?

To use Wrk, sign up for free and talk to an automation expert. Connect your applications, automate tasks with GenAI and human input, scale your automation with on-demand features, and enjoy weekly updates for new capabilities.

Основные функции Wrk Automation:


Connect it all with extensive library of connectors and generic API


Browser automation with GenAI


Human employee in the loop for tasks requiring human intervention


Effortlessly scale with on-demand automation


Automatic failure retries backed by real humans


Weekly release of new Wrk Actions

Почему использовать Wrk Automation?

#Сценарий использованияСтатус
# 1Sales Automation
# 2Marketing Automation
# 3Finance Automation
# 4Browser and Desktop Automation

Ценообразование Wrk Automation:

Transcational Pricing

Pay per successfully completed task

Scale up and down as needed

Scheduling & Triggers

Set it and forget it

Schedule automation tasks easily

Automatic Failure Retries

Backed by real humans

Ensures automation always works

New Capabilities Weekly

Expand and launch new Automations

Weekly release of new Wrk Actions

Разработано Wrk Automation?

Wrk Technologies Inc is the maker of Wrk, an innovative automation platform designed to simplify work processes and increase efficiency for businesses worldwide.

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