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Текстовая терапия - Чат-сервис, который поможет вам пережить расставание и избежать соблазна отправлять сообщения. Делитесь своими секретами без страха и отпустите прошлое. Создано с любовью AE Studio.

Перечислено в категориях:

Здоровье и ФитнесИскусственный интеллектСообщения
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Text Therapy is a messaging platform designed to help individuals move on from past relationships and resist the temptation to send texts to their ex. It provides a supportive chat environment to cheer users up and help them let go and grow.

Как использовать Txt Your Ex?

Sign up for an account, start a chat session, share your feelings and thoughts, receive support and guidance from trained therapists, and engage in activities to help you move on and grow.

Основные функции Txt Your Ex:


Supportive chat environment


Encouragement to resist texting ex


Confidential sharing of secrets


Assistance in releasing emotional attachment


Customized therapy sessions

Почему использовать Txt Your Ex?

#Сценарий использованияСтатус
# 1Moving on from past relationships
# 2Resisting the urge to text ex
# 3Seeking emotional support and guidance

Разработано Txt Your Ex?

AE Studio is a team of experienced developers and therapists dedicated to creating innovative solutions for mental health and well-being.

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