The Last Sunday
План Last Sunday Plan Achieve Live Fully - это расширение для Chrome, которое помогает вам жить полной жизнью, напоминая вам о драгоценных воскресеньях и побуждая мечтать крупно и использовать день.
Перечислено в категориях:
Побочный проектРасширения ChromeОбраз жизни

The Last Sunday Plan Achieve Live Fully is a Chrome extension that helps users live life to the fullest by reminding them of the preciousness of Sundays and encouraging them to dream big.
Как использовать The Last Sunday?
Install the Chrome extension and each time you open a new tab, you will be reminded of the importance of Sundays and encouraged to set goals and make the most of your time.
Основные функции The Last Sunday:
Visualize remaining Sundays
Set goals
Seize the day
Почему использовать The Last Sunday?
# | Сценарий использования | Статус | |
# 1 | Personal development | ✅ | |
# 2 | Goal setting | ✅ | |
# 3 | Time management | ✅ |
Разработано The Last Sunday?
The developer of The Last Sunday Plan Achieve Live Fully Chrome extension is psoft123. They have not identified themselves as a trader and have disclosed that they will not collect or use user data for any other purposes than the core functionality of the extension.