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Телевидение - Будущее телевидения с платформой потокового вещания, которая позволяет вам смотреть телевизор с друзьями, воспроизводить свои файлы и даже пристегивать его к лицу.

Перечислено в категориях:

РазвлеченияТелевизорЯблочное Vision Pro


Television is a revolutionary streaming platform that allows users to watch TV shows and movies with friends, regardless of their physical location. It offers a unique experience by combining nostalgia with modern technology, allowing users to customize their viewing experience and play their own media files.

Как использовать Television?

To use Television, simply download the app, select your favorite TV shows or movies, invite friends to join a watch party, and enjoy the shared viewing experience. You can also customize your virtual TV set and play your own media files for a personalized entertainment experience.

Основные функции Television:


Watch TV shows and movies with friends


Choose TV sets from different decades


Play personal media files and Spatial Video

Почему использовать Television?

#Сценарий использованияСтатус
# 1Virtual watch parties with friends
# 2Customizing TV sets in different spaces
# 3Immersive viewing experience with Spatial Video

Разработано Television?

Sandwich Vision LLC is the creative force behind Television, founded by the visionary mind behind Sandwich Video. They are dedicated to redefining the way we experience television and entertainment.

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