Talent Protocol
Новый тип резюме для эпохи ончейн интернета. Протокол талантов разблокирует богатые и проверяемые данные о репутации и делает истинный талант более видимым.
Перечислено в категориях:
Web3НаймСоциальные сети

EcosystemVisionProtocolTokenGet PassportNewTalent Protocol V2 is a new type of resume for the onchain era of the internet. It aims to unlock rich and verifiable reputation data, making true talent more visible.
Как использовать Talent Protocol?
To use Talent Protocol, users can join the ecosystem, create a Talent Passport, connect wallets and social accounts to import reputation data, and access the unique reputation data via API for integration into apps.
Основные функции Talent Protocol:
Unlock rich and verifiable reputation data
Make true talent more visible
Add an open reputation layer on top of fragmented professional data
Aggregate relevant social graphs and calculate connection strength
Generate unique reputation data and make it universally accessible
Почему использовать Talent Protocol?
# | Сценарий использования | Статус | |
# 1 | Building professional reputation onchain | ✅ | |
# 2 | Aggregating social connections for talent evaluation | ✅ | |
# 3 | Integrating unique reputation data via API | ✅ |
Разработано Talent Protocol?
Talent Protocol is developed by the team at NewTalent Protocol V2, aiming to revolutionize the way talent is evaluated and represented in the onchain era of the internet.