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Автоматизированные миграции кода и интеллект кодов для инженерных команд, которые должны что-то сделать.

Перечислено в категориях:

Искусственный интеллектGitHubИнструменты разработчика
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Second is an AI-powered enterprise codebase maintenance platform that offers automated migrations and codebase intelligence for engineering teams. It helps teams crush their backlog and get things done efficiently.

Как использовать Second V2?

Connect your repository, generate a plan, run the job, and get a pull request to start using Second effectively.

Основные функции Second V2:


Automated migrations


Codebase intelligence


Security vulnerabilities detection


Code optimization


Automated issue resolution

Почему использовать Second V2?

#Сценарий использованияСтатус
# 1Automated code migrations
# 2Codebase analysis and optimization
# 3Security vulnerability detection

Ценообразование Second V2:

Standard Plan


Basic features for small teams

Pro Plan


Advanced features for larger teams

Разработано Second V2?

Ridgeline is a leading technology and innovation company in investment management. They collaborate with Second to leverage AI-driven solutions for automating engineering tasks and improving code quality and security standards.

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