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Reccommendly is a platform dedicated to bridging the gap between trust and transparency in hiring processes. It provides authentic peer reviews to help make confident hiring decisions based on genuine feedback from those who know best.

Как использовать Reccommendly?

Sign up for an account, invite colleagues to provide reviews, access detailed reports on potential hires, and make informed hiring decisions.

Основные функции Reccommendly:


Authentic Peer Reviews


Power of Peer Insight


Anonymous Feedback Exchange


Reliable References


Easy-to-Read Reports

Почему использовать Reccommendly?

#Сценарий использованияСтатус
# 1Making Informed Hiring Decisions
# 2Avoiding Bad Hires
# 3Finding Trusted Talent

Ценообразование Reccommendly:

Basic Plan


Access to basic features and limited reviews

Pro Plan


Full access to all features and unlimited reviews

Разработано Reccommendly?

Reccommendly is dedicated to providing a trustworthy source for hiring decisions, fostering a culture of honesty and integrity in the recruitment process.

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