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SaaSИскусственный интеллектАналитика
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Monitor and monetize your AI applications with a powerful low-latency proxy. Track and utilize your Open AI usage effectively.

Как использовать Props AI?

Integrate in less than 5 minutes by updating the configuration object and adding a unique identifier to each request. Start a 14-day free trial to explore all features.

Основные функции Props AI:


Track usage at a customer level


Error and latency tracking


Pricing insights


Cost reduction by caching requests

Почему использовать Props AI?

#Сценарий использованияСтатус
# 1Monitor AI application usage
# 2Track AI request errors
# 3Pricing optimization

Ценообразование Props AI:

Free/Open Source


Full customizable, host internally, community support

PRO Plan


Data processing & storage, prebuilt dashboards, dedicated support


Custom integrations, compliance & SLAs, custom dashboards, dedicated support

Разработано Props AI?

PropsAIProxy, Apache 2.0 license,

Часто задаваемые вопросы Props AI