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Расширение Chrome для подсчета пыльцы

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The Pollen Count Chrome Extension is a tool designed to help individuals with allergies easily access real-time pollen count data for their area directly from their Chrome browser. It provides information on various types of pollen, including tree, grass, and weed pollen, to assist allergy sufferers in planning and preparation.

Как использовать Pollen Count Checker?

To use the Pollen Count Chrome Extension, simply install it from the Chrome Store. Once added to your browser, enter a postcode, town, city, or village name in the UK or abroad. The software will obtain real-time pollen count data from the Google Pollen API and display the results for different types of tree pollens, grass, and weed. Follow the steps: 1. Enter the postcode and click 'Check Pollen'. 2. Check the pollen count results.

Основные функции Pollen Count Checker:


Real-time pollen count data access


Tracking various types of pollen


Easy installation on Chrome browser


Forward planning for allergy sufferers


Free of charge usage

Почему использовать Pollen Count Checker?

#Сценарий использованияСтатус
# 1Checking pollen count before going out
# 2Planning outdoor activities based on pollen levels
# 3Monitoring pollen levels for allergy management

Разработано Pollen Count Checker?

Holistic Allergy Ltd is the maker of the Pollen Count Chrome Extension. They are committed to providing tools and services to help individuals with allergies manage their symptoms effectively and improve their quality of life.

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