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Notion: Getting things done template

Шаблон Notion GTD для увеличения вашей продуктивности и видимости всех ваших текущих и будущих задач. Основан на методе Getting Things Done Дэвида Аллена.

Перечислено в категориях:

NotionУправление задачамиПродуктивность
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The GTD Notion template to increase your productivity and gain visibility across all your current and future tasks. Based on the Getting Things Done method by David Allen.

Как использовать Notion: Getting things done template?

Access the GTD Notion template to organize your tasks effectively. Follow the 5 steps of the GTD method to increase productivity and manage your tasks efficiently.

Основные функции Notion: Getting things done template:


Capture: Write down everything on your mind


Clarify: Process all of the tasks on your lists by determining what to do about them


Organise: Sort through your tasks and put them in the appropriate places


Reflect: To prevent having a messy task list, take out time to review your list daily and weekly


Engage: Choose the most important tasks and carry out the next actions

Почему использовать Notion: Getting things done template?

#Сценарий использованияСтатус
# 1Task management
# 2Task calendar
# 3Quick Actions

Ценообразование Notion: Getting things done template:

Basic Plan


Access to the GTD Notion template for personal use

Pro Plan


Access to advanced features and customization options

Разработано Notion: Getting things done template?

Dan Collins

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