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Генерируйте высококонвертируемые страницы продуктов в масштабе с помощью визуального ИИ-сгенерированного содержания страниц продуктов, атрибутов, спецификаций и описаний.

Перечислено в категориях:

Электронная коммерцияИскусственный интеллектМаркетинг


DESCRB is an advanced AI-powered tool that generates high-converting product pages at scale. It analyzes product photos, identifies models, collects technical information, and generates content instantly. It is designed to boost sales with visually appealing product attributes, specifications, descriptions, and images.

Как использовать {descrb}?

Integrate the technology seamlessly into your IT system using the API for customization and flexibility. The AI is specifically trained for ecommerce and can be used for various product types without the need for data training or setup.

Основные функции {descrb}:


Automated Product Page Generation


Model Identification


Technical Information Collection


Instant Content Generation


AI Integration

Почему использовать {descrb}?

#Сценарий использованияСтатус
# 1Ecommerce: Sell products faster and save copywriting time
# 2Marketplaces: Simplify product addition and improve search
# 3Software PIM: Enhance software with advanced AI for ecommerce

Ценообразование {descrb}:

Free Plan


Generate product pages for a limited number of products

Premium Plan

Custom pricing

Unlimited product page generation with advanced features

Разработано {descrb}?

DESCRB is developed by a team of AI experts dedicated to revolutionizing ecommerce content generation. They focus on accuracy, reliability, and scalability to provide a turnkey solution for businesses.

Часто задаваемые вопросы {descrb}