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Create Copilot inside your notebooks that can chat with graphs, write code, and more. This tool allows you to interact with AI models for coding assistance within your notebook environment.

Как использовать AI Copilot?

To use the Copilot features, initialize Gemini MultiModel by installing necessary libraries and importing the required API key. Then, you can use functions like chat, generate code, relational coding, chat with graphs, and chat with Python files within your notebooks.

Основные функции AI Copilot:


Chat with AI models for coding assistance


Generate code based on prompts


Chat with code within notebooks


Relational coding feature for building on existing code


Chat with graphs feature for analyzing and discussing graphs


Chat with Python files within notebooks

Почему использовать AI Copilot?

#Сценарий использованияСтатус
# 1Getting coding assistance while working on projects
# 2Generating code snippets based on prompts
# 3Analyzing and discussing graphs within notebooks

Ценообразование AI Copilot:


GitHub Copilot is free for verified students, teachers, and maintainers of popular open-source projects.

Budget-Friendly Subscription

Google's upcoming Copilot release based on Gemini may require a subscription.

Разработано AI Copilot?

Fareed Khandev is the creator of this Copilot tool that enhances coding experience within notebook environments.

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