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Learn how to design interfaces that will make your users happy with the '100 UI/UX Tips' book. This book is a collection of a hundred lessons gathered and refined over the past three years, covering topics like typography, language, icons, layouts, usability, forms, visuals, and more.

Как использовать 100 UI/UX Tips?

To level up your knowledge in UI/UX design, purchase the desired package and start implementing the tips provided in the book. Follow the guidelines on typography, language, icons, layouts, usability, forms, and visuals to enhance your app's design and user experience.

Основные функции 100 UI/UX Tips:











Почему использовать 100 UI/UX Tips?

#Сценарий использованияСтатус
# 1Improving app design
# 2Enhancing user experience
# 3Learning UI/UX best practices

Разработано 100 UI/UX Tips?

Victor is a developer passionate about UI/UX design. He shares his insights through Twitter, newsletters, and books, aiming to improve usability in projects he works on.

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