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Desbloqueie o poder da colaboração e concentre-se no essencial com TaskevenBeta. Junte-se à revolução da produtividade compartilhando listas, definindo lembretes, fazendo anotações e deixando a IA impulsionar sua jornada para a grandeza.

Listado em categorias:

SaaSGestão de tarefasProdutividade


Unlock the power of collaboration and focus on what is essential with TaskevenBeta. Join the productivity revolution by sharing lists, setting vibrant reminders, jotting lively notes, and letting AI fuel your journey to greatness.

Como usar Taskeven?

Unlock the magic of TaskevenBeta by creating amazing lists, managing productivity tasks, collaborating with peers, and utilizing the Genius Notepad feature infused with Artificial Intelligence. Dive into endless possibilities with transparent costs and make things happen.

Recursos principais de Taskeven:


Amazing lists


Productivity tasks


Collab work


Genius Notepad

Por que usar Taskeven?

#Caso de usoStatus
# 1Organizational excellence
# 2Efficiency in task management
# 3Collaboration and teamwork

Preços de Taskeven:

On demand

500 credits

Only pay for what you use. Kickstart your journey with 300 FREE CREDITS. Receive 500 credits bonus per each level you are.

Create list

Costs 30 credits

Invite member

Costs 10 credits

Create task

Costs 20 credits

Generate annotation with AI

Costs 15 credits

Set reminder date

Costs 10 credits

Desenvolvido por Taskeven?

Desenvolvido por gabrielgrs

FAQ de Taskeven