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Firebase Admin CLI

Dê poder ao seu projeto Firebase com controle total. Liberte todo o potencial da autenticação do Firebase, do banco de dados em tempo real, do Firestore, do armazenamento e muito mais, tudo através de uma interface de linha de comando poderosa com privilégios de administrador.

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Firebase Admin CLI-image-0


Empower Your Firebase Project with Ultimate Control. Unleash the Full Potential of Firebase's Auth, Realtime Database, Firestore, Storage, and More All Through a Powerful Command Line Interface with Admin Privileges.

Como usar Firebase Admin CLI?

Just use JavaScript to manage the database. You can use one-line commands like 'await db.collection('users').get()', insert multiline scripts, assign results to variables, output results to the console, and execute scripts from files using 'require'.

Recursos principais de Firebase Admin CLI:


Manage Firebase Auth


Interact with Realtime Database


Work with Firestore


Utilize Firebase Storage


Execute Commands with Admin Privileges

Por que usar Firebase Admin CLI?

#Caso de usoStatus
# 1Manage user authentication
# 2Perform real-time database operations
# 3Store and retrieve data in Firestore

Preços de Firebase Admin CLI:

Free Plan


Basic features with limited usage

Pro Plan


Full access to all features with unlimited usage

Desenvolvido por Firebase Admin CLI?

The Firebase Admin CLI is developed by siarhei and aims to provide developers with a convenient way to interact with Firebase services through a command line interface.

FAQ de Firebase Admin CLI