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Prevenir vazamentos com marcas d'água forenses invisíveis. EchoMark protege arquivos e e-mails de vazamentos marcando-os com informações identificáveis. Encontre rapidamente e facilmente a fonte dos vazamentos.

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Prevent leaks with invisible forensic watermarks. EchoMark automatically protects your files and email from leaks by invisibly marking them with identifiable information. Our sophisticated investigation tools can even trace the source of a leaked mobile photo.

Como usar EchoMark?

EchoMark makes it simple and seamless to establish a more secure and traceable system for sharing. Once deployed, EchoMark will automatically watermark documents and emails according to your established parameters. If you suspect a leak has occurred, upload the original document to your EchoMark dashboard. EchoMark will use computer vision to compare the leaked fragment with each marked copy of the document shared. Once the search is complete, EchoMark will display a report with the likely source of the leak. EchoMark can be deployed to work silently in the background of your company's existing Microsoft Exchange or Google Workspace servers within minutes.

Recursos principais de EchoMark:


Invisible forensic watermarks


File and email protection


Source tracing of leaks


Collaboration and communication security


Computer vision detection

Por que usar EchoMark?

#Caso de usoStatus
# 1Preventing data breaches from insider actions
# 2Tracing leaked information sources
# 3Enhancing collaboration and communication security

Desenvolvido por EchoMark?

EchoMark Inc. is committed to securing privacy and protection of clients' information. Their innovative technology offers a new standard in information security, providing precision visibility into information security and thwarting bad actors.

FAQ de EchoMark