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30 Day Challenge

Desafio de 30 dias

Listado em categorias:

Saúde e FitnessProdutividade
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Join the 30 Day Challenge to make or break a habit in 30 days. Commit to a habit, receive daily reminders, and get rewarded for your success!

Como usar 30 Day Challenge?

1. Join the challenge by filling in the form with your email address, habit, deposit amount, and preferred reminder time in UTC. 2. Receive daily email reminders to perform the habit. 3. Confirm your habit completion to track your progress. 4. Achieve your goal in 30 days to receive a refund of 95% of your deposit!

Recursos principais de 30 Day Challenge:


Join and Pay


Deposit money


Just do habit


Achieve and refund

Por que usar 30 Day Challenge?

#Caso de usoStatus
# 1Forming a new habit
# 2Breaking a bad habit
# 3Staying accountable for daily tasks

Preços de 30 Day Challenge:

Standard Plan


Includes daily email reminders for 30 days and 95% refund upon successful completion.

Desenvolvido por 30 Day Challenge?

30DayChallengeCompany is dedicated to helping individuals build positive habits and achieve their goals through the power of commitment and accountability.

FAQ de 30 Day Challenge