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You will die someday - Extensions



You will die someday -  Extensions-image-0
You will die someday -  Extensions-image-1
You will die someday -  Extensions-image-2


The countdown to death extension calculates how much time you have left based on your birthday and life expectancy.

使い方 You will die someday - Extensions?

Simply enter your birthday and life expectancy in the extension settings to start calculating your remaining time. The extension will then display the countdown in various time units.

の主な機能 You will die someday - Extensions:


Calculate remaining time based on birthday and life expectancy


Display time left in years, months, days, weeks, hours, minutes, and seconds


Customizable settings for display format

なぜ使用するのか You will die someday - Extensions?

# 1Track remaining time in life
# 2Set reminders for important events based on life expectancy
# 3Reflect on time management and life priorities

開発者 You will die someday - Extensions?

The developer of this extension has not been identified.

FAQ You will die someday - Extensions