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Dive deep into the world of Artificial Intelligence with our 10-minute bite-size programs. Unlock a 20% boost in productivity with our gamified practical lessons by downloading our app.

使い方 Pedagogue AI?

Sign up for free and start learning essential AI skills with our practical AI Apps. Our courses focus on practical skills that measurably boost productivity. Learn in the style that best suits you with visual, audio, or active question and answer formats. Download the app now to become fluent in AI with Harvey, our AI chatbot assistant.

の主な機能 Pedagogue AI:


Mobile-first app for on-the-go learning


Intelligent recommendation engine for personalized content


Focus on practical skills to boost productivity


AI chatbot assistance with Harvey


Adaptive personalization engine


Gamified user interface

なぜ使用するのか Pedagogue AI?

# 1Safeguarding employability in the face of automation
# 2Boosting decision-making with AI analytics
# 3Improving productivity with AI tools

の価格 Pedagogue AI:


Become an early friend of Pedagogue and benefit from free training course content and access to features and skills before anyone else

開発者 Pedagogue AI?

Pedagogue offers practical, affordable, personalized, and gamified AI content for professionals looking to upskill in AI. Partner with us to pilot upskilling programs for your team with university-grade, flexible, and highly personalized content at a reduced early bird price.

FAQ Pedagogue AI