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Parkour Controller for Unity



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Third-person Parkour and Climbing System that allows players to traverse complex environments in games using various parkour and climbing actions. The system includes predictive jumping, ledge climbing, dynamic climbing animations, and seamless transitions between different climbing actions.

使い方 Parkour Controller for Unity?

To use the Third-person Parkour and Climbing System, simply drag the Parkour controller prefab into your scene and start playing. You can bake climb points on ledges in your level with a single click. The system also supports integration with Invector controller and Game Creator 2 for enhanced functionality.

の主な機能 Parkour Controller for Unity:


Predictive Jumping


Hang on Ledges


Inverse Kinematics (IK)


Braced Hang and Free Hang Climbs


Climbing on Ledges at Different Angles

なぜ使用するのか Parkour Controller for Unity?

# 1Creating dynamic and immersive parkour gameplay
# 2Enhancing player movement and interaction with the game environment
# 3Adding realistic climbing mechanics to game characters

の価格 Parkour Controller for Unity:

Standard License


Single Entity License with VAT calculated at checkout

開発者 Parkour Controller for Unity?

Fantacode Studios is the publisher of the Parkour and Climbing System, providing quality assets and community support for game developers.

FAQ Parkour Controller for Unity