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Inline Help is a proactive support tool that converts your knowledge base into instant proactive support, enhancing user experience and efficiency. It offers AI-driven solutions for real business needs, empowering users to engage and elevate their support experience.

使い方 Inline Help?

To use Inline Help, simply integrate the tool into your app or website. Users can tap on any part of the website to receive instant insights, utilize AI-powered tooltips for on-the-spot clarity, engage with real-time intelligent responses through the chatbot, access all support tools in one hub, bring knowledge repository to users' fingertips, and submit issues hassle-free within the app. The tool also offers support in six languages for precise and effortless interactions.

の主な機能 Inline Help:


In-App Contextual Mastery


No-code and Instant Effortless Interaction


Real-time Intelligent Responses


Your Ultimate Help Hub


Empower with Context


Hassle-Free Issue Reporting


Fluent Support in Six Languages

なぜ使用するのか Inline Help?

# 1Answer customer questions before they ask
# 2Seamlessly convert knowledge base into proactive support
# 3Enhance user experience and drive efficiency

開発者 Inline Help?

Inline Manual Ltd is the creator of Inline Help, a trusted product used by 500 companies worldwide. The company is committed to security and providing innovative AI-driven solutions for businesses.

FAQ Inline Help