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Sorted Wallet

La prima super app cripto al mondo per telefoni cellulari e smartphone a bassa potenza. Porta l'inclusione finanziaria tramite Web3 a 400 milioni di individui non bancarizzati e sottobancarizzati in Africa e Asia meridionale.

Elencato nelle categorie:

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World's first crypto super app for feature phones and low-powered smartphones. Bringing financial inclusion via web3 to 400 million unbanked and underbanked individuals in Africa and South Asia.

Come usare Sorted Wallet?

To use the app, simply download it from the KaiOS store, create an account, and start exploring the features for crypto transactions, financial inclusion, and web3 technology support.

Funzionalità principali di Sorted Wallet:


Crypto transactions


Financial inclusion


Web3 technology support

Perché potrebbe essere usato Sorted Wallet?

#Caso d'usoStato
# 1Banking services
# 2Digital payments
# 3Access to decentralized finance

Sviluppato da Sorted Wallet?

The maker of this app is dedicated to providing innovative solutions for financial inclusion and empowering individuals in underserved regions through technology and crypto.

Domande frequenti di Sorted Wallet