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La più potente API per codici QR che tu abbia mai visto, con un prezzo 550 volte migliore degli altri. Supporta vari formati come PNG, JPEG, WebP, EPS, PDF o SVG. Salva le configurazioni come modello predefinito per rendere il punto finale più pulito. Crea bellissimi codici QR con stili e logo. Ottieni più controllo con più chiavi API. In grado di gestire milioni di richieste al giorno. Monitora ed esporta report per le richieste API. Ottieni 1000 quote gratuite senza carta di credito. Prova la nostra API.

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The only QR code API you need. No server hassles, no price worries. The most powerful QR code API with 550X better price than others. Multiple formats supported: PNG, JPEG, WebP, EPS, PDF, or SVG. Save configs as preset templates to make endpoints cleaner. Beautiful QR codes with styles and logos. Capable of handling millions of requests per day. Log, track, and export reports for API requests. Get 1000 FREE quota with no credit card required. Try our API now!

Come usare

Visit API Request Builder for faster integration. Use preset templates to save configurations. Log and track API requests for analysis. Contact us for premium plan pricing.

Funzionalità principali di


Multiple formats support


Save configs as preset templates


Beautiful QR codes with styles and logos


Capable of handling millions of requests per day


Log, track, and export reports for API requests

Perché potrebbe essere usato

#Caso d'usoStato
# 1Integrating API faster with API Request Builder
# 2Overview Request Timeline
# 3Track the number of QR API requests overtime with chart

Prezzi di

Free Plan

Get 1000 FREE quota with no credit card required

Premium Plan

Custom pricing

Contact us for more information on premium plans

Sviluppato da

The maker of this QR code API is dedicated to providing a powerful and cost-effective solution for generating QR codes. With a focus on user-friendly features and reliable performance, the maker aims to simplify the process of creating and managing QR codes for various use cases.

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