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Inner Child Healing Notion Template

Intraprendi un profondo viaggio di guarigione del bambino interiore con il nostro completo modello Notion. Questo strumento accuratamente elaborato comprende un Tracker giornaliero per coltivare abitudini di cura di sé, un'analisi approfondita delle emozioni personali, potenti prompt per il journaling, esercizi somatici rivitalizzanti e un'esplorazione trasformativa per cambiare convinzioni limitanti.

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Embark on a profound inner child healing journey with our comprehensive Notion template. This meticulously crafted tool encompasses a Daily Tracker for nurturing self-care habits, a deep dive into personal emotions, powerful journaling prompts, invigorating somatic exercises, and a transformative exploration of shifting limiting beliefs.

Come usare Inner Child Healing Notion Template?

Start by setting up the Daily Tracker for self-care rituals, then explore and understand your emotions with the Emotion Identification feature. Engage in authentic expression through Journaling Exploration and release tensions with Somatic Exercises. Use the tools provided to shift limiting beliefs and track your progress with Monthly Reflection.

Funzionalità principali di Inner Child Healing Notion Template:


Daily Tracker for Self-Care


Emotion Identification


Journaling Exploration


Somatic Exercises


Shifting Limiting Beliefs

Perché potrebbe essere usato Inner Child Healing Notion Template?

#Caso d'usoStato
# 1Inner Child Healing
# 2Self-Discovery
# 3Emotional Healing

Prezzi di Inner Child Healing Notion Template:

Inner Child Healing Notion Template


Comprehensive Notion template for inner child healing

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