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Automatizza le tue recensioni B2B e risparmia fino all'80 % del tuo tempo

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Successo del clienteMarketingVendite


Automate your B2B Reviews and Save up to 80% of your Time. Say Goodbye to the Hassle of Old School Satisfaction Processes and Hello to Streamlined Feedback from Diverse Sources.

Come usare EvaluationsHub?

EvaluationsHub's evaluation software allows businesses to collect feedback from their customers or suppliers in a structured and organized way. The software includes customizable survey templates, automated reminders, and detailed reporting tools to help businesses make sense of the feedback they receive. EvaluationsHub's software also includes advanced analytics features such as sentiment analysis and trend tracking to help businesses identify patterns and trends in their feedback data.

Funzionalità principali di EvaluationsHub:


Automated feedback solutions


Collect evaluations from different sources


Customizable blueprints and templates


Integration with 800 software providers


Deep insights into customer preferences

Perché potrebbe essere usato EvaluationsHub?

#Caso d'usoStato
# 1Customer Satisfaction Measurement
# 2Supplier Evaluation
# 3Consultant-Client Data Collection

Prezzi di EvaluationsHub:

Free Plan

Start for free with basic features

Premium Plan


Access advanced features and analytics

Sviluppato da EvaluationsHub?

Vockam SAS is the maker of EvaluationsHub, providing an all-in-one solution for seamless evaluations and actionable insights. They are based in Paris and aim to help businesses improve their performance through data-driven decision-making.

Domande frequenti di EvaluationsHub