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Potenzia il tuo team di dati per concentrarti su ciò che conta di più. Rispondi istantaneamente alle domande ad hoc degli stakeholder commerciali.

Elencato nelle categorie:

AnaliticaBusiness IntelligenceIntelligenza artificiale


Empower your data team to focus on what matters most. Answer adhoc questions from business stakeholders instantly.

Come usare DaLMatian?

Simply open a file of past queries to get started. DaLM learns the business logic behind the queries and improves as analysts use the IDE more.

Funzionalità principali di DaLMatian:


Instantly answer adhoc questions from business stakeholders


Nontechnical users ask questions directly in Slack


Teams and Data Analyst Language Model (DaLM) responds with the result


Cut out time spent on adhoc questions and focus on revenue-generating analysis


Fully on-premises - no data leaves your environment

Perché potrebbe essere usato DaLMatian?

#Caso d'usoStato
# 1Empowering data teams to focus on important tasks
# 2Providing instant answers to business stakeholders
# 3Improving revenue growth through data analysis

Prezzi di DaLMatian:

Standard Plan


Basic features and support

Premium Plan


Advanced features and priority support

Sviluppato da DaLMatian?

The maker of this product is dedicated to empowering data teams and providing efficient solutions for data analysis.

Domande frequenti di DaLMatian