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Colors & fonts v5

Colori e caratteri

Elencato nelle categorie:

Strumenti di designProduttivitàStrumenti per sviluppatori
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A collection of color and typography tools for web developers and digital designers, including color palettes, gradients, type scales, font pairings, and glyphs.

Come usare Colors & fonts v5?

Explore the various tools provided on the website to enhance your web design projects with beautiful colors and typography. Copy and paste SVG doodles, create gradients, find font pairings, and more!

Funzionalità principali di Colors & fonts v5:


Color palettes


Color gradients


Type scales


Font pairings



Perché potrebbe essere usato Colors & fonts v5?

#Caso d'usoStato
# 1Web design
# 2Digital design
# 3Color selection

Sviluppato da Colors & fonts v5?

Michael Andreuzza is the creator of Colors and Fonts, a project built with Astrojs and Tailwind CSS, based in land Islands, Finland.

Domande frequenti di Colors & fonts v5