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Absolute Zero Plunge

Prodotto per il recupero e la rivitalizzazione del corpo attraverso bagni di ghiaccio.

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Transform your tub into an ice bath for revitalizing your body and mind. Discover the science behind the transformative power of ice baths.

Come usare Absolute Zero Plunge?

Enjoy a refreshing ice bath experience at your house, apartment, condo, tent, trailer, or any tub anywhere. Improve mental and physical fitness, revitalize your body and mind, and give back to addiction recovery efforts. Quick and easy setup with versatile adaptors.

Funzionalità principali di Absolute Zero Plunge:


Accelerated Recovery


Mental Resilience


Improved Metabolism


Boosted Energy Levels


Enhanced Sleep Quality


Immune Support

Perché potrebbe essere usato Absolute Zero Plunge?

#Caso d'usoStato
# 1Speed up recovery process
# 2Foster a positive mindset
# 3Stimulate body to burn more calories
# 4Take on the day with renewed energy
# 5Wake up feeling refreshed
# 6Improve immune function

Prezzi di Absolute Zero Plunge:

The Tub Adaptor


Inflatable tub with chiller, filter, UV disinfection, and pump included. 1-year warranty and 15-year expected lifetime.

The Chiller Adaptor


Aluminum adaptor and chiller set to convert your tub into an ice bath. 1-year warranty and 15-year expected lifetime.

The Mission

50% of profit donated toward addiction recovery efforts.

Sviluppato da Absolute Zero Plunge?

The maker believes in the transformative power of ice baths for both body and mind. Their mission is to make the chilling benefits of cold immersion accessible to everyone. Designed and headquartered in Cambridge, MA, USA.

Domande frequenti di Absolute Zero Plunge