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Windfall - Finance Tracker

Windfall adalah aplikasi pelacak uang ultimate yang dirancang untuk merevolusi cara Anda mengelola keuangan Anda. Tetap dengan mudah mengikuti pengeluaran, tabungan, dan tujuan keuangan Anda dengan rangkaian fitur yang kuat di ujung jari Anda.

Terdaftar dalam kategori:

iOSKeuangan pribadi
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Effortlessly stay on top of your spending, savings, and financial goals with Windfall, the ultimate money tracker app. Add transactions easily, get quick reports, and customize your financial view to suit your unique needs. Stay connected to your finances with convenient widgets.

Cara menggunakan Windfall - Finance Tracker?

To use Windfall, simply download the app from the Mac App Store, create an account, and start adding your transactions. Customize your financial view, set financial goals, and stay updated with the latest transactions using the widgets on your device's home screen.

Fitur inti dari Windfall - Finance Tracker:


Expense and income tracking


Privacy and security


Quick reports


Customizable financial view


Convenient widgets

Mengapa bisa digunakan Windfall - Finance Tracker?

#Kasus PenggunaanStatus
# 1Tracking daily expenses
# 2Monitoring income trends
# 3Making informed financial decisions

Penetapan harga dari Windfall - Finance Tracker:

Lifetime Pro


Unlock all premium features for a lifetime.

Monthly Pro


Access premium features on a monthly basis.

Yearly Pro


Get premium features for a year.

Dikembangkan oleh Windfall - Finance Tracker?

Swapnanil Dhol is the developer behind Windfall, dedicated to providing users with a secure and efficient money tracker app to help them manage their finances effectively.

FAQ dari Windfall - Finance Tracker