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Toggle Checkboxes

Alat produktivitas untuk mengalihkan semua kotak centang di halaman

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Productivity tool to toggle all checkboxes only nondisabled & readable once on any page. This extension helps you Check OR Uncheck all checkbox fields on the page using a single click, but only for checkboxes that are readable and not disabled to respect the website's UX integrity. It does not work with websites using custom checkbox elements.

Cara menggunakan Toggle Checkboxes?

Simply install the extension and click on the toggle button to check or uncheck all readable and non-disabled checkboxes on a webpage.

Fitur inti dari Toggle Checkboxes:


Toggle all checkboxes with a single click


Respects UX integrity by only working on readable and non-disabled checkboxes


Saves time by quickly checking or unchecking multiple checkboxes

Mengapa bisa digunakan Toggle Checkboxes?

#Kasus PenggunaanStatus
# 1Quickly checking or unchecking multiple checkboxes on a webpage
# 2Improving productivity by streamlining checkbox management
# 3Enhancing user experience by providing a convenient checkbox toggling feature

Dikembangkan oleh Toggle Checkboxes?

Shubham Sonar is the developer of this productivity tool extension, aimed at simplifying checkbox management on webpages.

FAQ dari Toggle Checkboxes