API kode QR terkuat yang pernah Anda lihat, dengan harga 550 kali lebih baik dari yang lain. Mendukung berbagai format seperti PNG, JPEG, WebP, EPS, PDF, atau SVG. Simpan konfigurasi sebagai template prasetel untuk membuat titik akhir lebih bersih. Buat kode QR yang indah dengan gaya dan logo. Dapatkan lebih banyak kontrol dengan beberapa kunci API. Mampu menangani jutaan permintaan per hari. Lacak dan ekspor laporan untuk permintaan API. Dapatkan 1000 kuota gratis tanpa kartu kredit. Cobalah API kami.
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The only QR code API you need. No server hassles, no price worries. The most powerful QR code API with 550X better price than others. Multiple formats supported: PNG, JPEG, WebP, EPS, PDF, or SVG. Save configs as preset templates to make endpoints cleaner. Beautiful QR codes with styles and logos. Capable of handling millions of requests per day. Log, track, and export reports for API requests. Get 1000 FREE quota with no credit card required. Try our API now!
Cara menggunakan QR-API.com?
Visit API Request Builder for faster integration. Use preset templates to save configurations. Log and track API requests for analysis. Contact us for premium plan pricing.
Fitur inti dari QR-API.com:
Multiple formats support
Save configs as preset templates
Beautiful QR codes with styles and logos
Capable of handling millions of requests per day
Log, track, and export reports for API requests
Mengapa bisa digunakan QR-API.com?
# | Kasus Penggunaan | Status | |
# 1 | Integrating API faster with API Request Builder | ✅ | |
# 2 | Overview Request Timeline | ✅ | |
# 3 | Track the number of QR API requests overtime with chart | ✅ |
Dikembangkan oleh QR-API.com?
The maker of this QR code API is dedicated to providing a powerful and cost-effective solution for generating QR codes. With a focus on user-friendly features and reliable performance, the maker aims to simplify the process of creating and managing QR codes for various use cases.