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Sebuah pembaca RSS yang elegan yang memberikan pengalaman membaca yang menyenangkan dan santai untuk Anda. Navigasi dengan mudah melalui dunia RSS, Atom, dan JSON Feeds, mengungkapkan informasi tak terbatas di ujung jari Anda. Rasakan animasi yang menakjubkan dan antarmuka pengguna yang tak dapat ditolak yang dipikirkan dengan cermat untuk Anda. Manfaatkan sinkronisasi iCloud di semua perangkat Anda untuk memastikan bahwa kekayaan pengetahuan selalu dalam jangkauan Anda.

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An elegant RSS reader that provides a delightful and relaxing reading experience for users. Effortlessly navigate the world of RSS, Atom, and JSON Feeds, uncovering endless information at your fingertips. Experience stunning animations and an irresistible user interface thoughtfully developed with users in mind. Take advantage of iCloud syncing across all devices, ensuring a wealth of knowledge is always within reach.

Cara menggunakan Pintap?

Simply download the app from the App Store, create an account, and start exploring your favorite RSS feeds. Customize your reading experience, organize your feeds, and enjoy seamless syncing across all your devices.

Fitur inti dari Pintap:


Delightful reading experience


Effortless navigation of RSS, Atom, and JSON Feeds


Stunning animations


User-friendly interface


iCloud syncing

Mengapa bisa digunakan Pintap?

#Kasus PenggunaanStatus
# 1Stay updated with latest news and articles
# 2Discover new content from favorite websites
# 3Organize and manage feeds effectively

Penetapan harga dari Pintap:

Basic Plan


Access to basic features and functionalities

Premium Plan


Unlock advanced features and customization options

Dikembangkan oleh Pintap?

Liu Hongzhi is the developer behind Pintap 17, dedicated to creating user-friendly and visually appealing apps that enhance the digital reading experience.

FAQ dari Pintap