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Lean content and data management for small projects. Nofrills content and data management with instant editor panels, CRUD APIs, and Webhooks designed for indie developers and small dev teams. Mix and match use cases with zero maintenance or learning curve. Ship better.

Cara menggunakan IncludeCore?

To use IncludeCore, start by defining the structure and settings of your content or data model in the developer console. You can manage data in the editor panel with instant UI for content and data management. Mix and match use cases for small projects to swiftly ship CRUD operations, data fetching, data collection, and webhooks integration.

Fitur inti dari IncludeCore:


Instant APIs generation


Editor panels for content management


CRUD operations


Data fetching


Webhooks integration

Mengapa bisa digunakan IncludeCore?

#Kasus PenggunaanStatus
# 1Content management for small projects
# 2Data collection for indie developers
# 3Efficient data management for small dev teams

Penetapan harga dari IncludeCore:

Starter Plan


Basic features for small projects

Pro Plan


Advanced features for indie developers and small dev teams

Dikembangkan oleh IncludeCore?

IncludeCore is a small team based in Barcelona and Berlin, with friends supporting them worldwide. They are bootstrapped with funding in Europe and aim to simplify content and data management for developers.

FAQ dari IncludeCore