Google Meet AI Translate
Google Meet AI Translate Captions adalah ekstensi Chrome yang memungkinkan terjemahan subtitle secara real-time di Google Meet. Ideal untuk tim global dan pengaturan pendidikan.
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Ekstensi ChromeKecerdasan buatan

Translate from any language to any language synchronously. Introducing Google Meet AI Translate Captions to transform international meetings with real-time AI-powered subtitle translations directly in Google Meet. Break down language barriers and make meetings accessible and inclusive for global teams and educational settings.
Cara menggunakan Google Meet AI Translate?
Download the extension and use it during Google Meet sessions to enable real-time AI-powered subtitle translations. Select and change translation languages on-the-go to cater to different language needs.
Fitur inti dari Google Meet AI Translate:
Instant subtitle translations in real-time
Extensive language support for global teams
Easy-to-use interface for selecting and changing translation languages
AI-driven accuracy for reliable translations
Enhance Google Meet experience for inclusive communication
Mengapa bisa digunakan Google Meet AI Translate?
# | Kasus Penggunaan | Status | |
# 1 | Global team meetings | ✅ | |
# 2 | Educational settings | ✅ | |
# 3 | International conferences | ✅ |
Dikembangkan oleh Google Meet AI Translate? is the developer behind Google Meet AI Translate Captions. They aim to create tools that break down language barriers and foster inclusive communication in various settings.