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Transformasikan hidup Anda dengan pelacak kebiasaan sederhana kami. Bangun kebiasaan positif, hilangkan kebiasaan buruk, capai tujuan Anda, dan hidupi hidup terbaik Anda. Mulai lacak kebiasaan sekarang!

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Kesehatan & KebugaranProduktivitas


Transform Your Life with our simple Habit Tracker. Build positive habits, remove bad habits, achieve your goals, and live your best life with AddictedHabits.

Cara menggunakan Addicted-habits?

Start your journey by creating an AddictedHabits account and take control of your life. Use the habit tracker to stay consistent and achieve your goals.

Fitur inti dari Addicted-habits:


Create Unlimited Habits


Easy Daily Tracking


Multiple Graphics for Additional Motivation

Mengapa bisa digunakan Addicted-habits?

#Kasus PenggunaanStatus
# 1Empower yourself by tracking an unlimited number of habits
# 2Seamlessly track your daily progress with a user-friendly interface
# 3Immerse yourself in motivation with visually appealing graphics

Penetapan harga dari Addicted-habits:

Free Tier

Test-drive AddictedHabits with a complimentary experience. Create and track one habit at a time to explore the user-friendly interface and features.

Premium Plan

Dikembangkan oleh Addicted-habits?

AddictedHabits is dedicated to helping individuals transform their lives through positive habit tracking and goal achievement.

FAQ dari Addicted-habits