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Zilta est un intervieweur IA conçu pour évaluer les candidats en fonction du rôle spécifique qu'ils recherchent et de la description de poste correspondante. En utilisant Zilta, les candidats reçoivent des retours personnalisés sur leurs entretiens, ce qui leur permet d'améliorer leurs performances.

Listé dans les catégories:

ProductivitéCarrièreIntelligence artificielle


Zilta is an AI interviewer designed to evaluate candidates based on the specific role they are pursuing and the corresponding job description. Candidates receive personalized feedback on their interviews to refine their performance.

Comment utiliser Zilta?

Setup takes 1 minute. Select your occupation, paste the description of the job you are targeting, select the duration of the interview, and start it. Upon completion, a comprehensive report will be generated for you to use for improvement.

Fonctionnalités principales de Zilta:


Engage with the AI interviewer tailored to your target role and job description


Experience a relevant realistic interview that will prepare you for the final interview


Customized questions for each interview


One-on-one interview with Zilta


Detailed personalized feedback after each interview

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé Zilta?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Practice for behavioral interviews
# 2Prepare for job interviews
# 3Improve interview performance

Tarification de Zilta:



Access to the AI interviewer, personalized feedback, and unlimited practice interviews for a single role/job description



Access to the AI interviewer, personalized feedback, unlimited practice interviews for a single role/job description, and list of questions and answers related to the role/job description, camera access for live interview

Développé par Zilta?

Zaid is the creator of Zilta. You can follow his work on X or Twitter.

FAQ de Zilta