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Yalp Store est une alternative à Google Play Store qui recherche des mises à jour pour les applications ou jeux installés sur votre téléphone ou tablette, vous permet de télécharger de nouvelles applications ou jeux sous forme de fichiers APK et de désinstaller facilement des applications locales ou système.

Listé dans les catégories:



Yalp Store APK is an alternative app store to the Google Play Store that allows users to search for updates for installed apps or games, download new apps or games as APK files, and uninstall local or system applications easily. It provides a premium app store feel and can be used on both rooted and non-rooted devices.

Comment utiliser Yalp Store?

To install Yalp Store APK, follow these steps: 1. Go to Phone Settings and activate Unknown Sources option. 2. Download Yalp Store APK on your Android or Windows device. 3. Open the downloaded file and click Install. 4. Once installed, click Open to start using the app store for updating, downloading, and uninstalling apps.

Fonctionnalités principales de Yalp Store:


Update applications or games installed on your phone


Download applications or games from Google Play as APK files


Browse categories, view and provide reviews, and filter apps


Remove prebuilt or system apps from the phone permanently


100% safe, secure, and legal to use on your smart device

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé Yalp Store?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Updating installed applications or games
# 2Downloading applications or games from Google Play
# 3Removing prebuilt or system apps

Développé par Yalp Store?

Yalp Store is developed by Sergey Yeriomin, providing users with an alternative app store experience.

FAQ de Yalp Store