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Waitforit est une plateforme qui vous permet de créer des formulaires de liste d'attente personnalisables à héberger sur votre page ou à intégrer dans votre propre site en 20 secondes. Commencez gratuitement et bénéficiez de 30 % de réduction sur tous les plans pendant 24 heures.

Listé dans les catégories:

Outils de conceptionAnalytiqueE-mail


waitforit is a platform that helps users create customizable waitlists for their products or services with ease. It offers intuitive design tools and features to streamline the waitlist creation process.

Comment utiliser waitforit?

Create a waitlist in 3 clicks by designing your form, launching with waitforit, and integrating the waitlist widget into your website. Track performance and accelerate growth with gamified referrals built into waitforit.

Fonctionnalités principales de waitforit:


Customizable waitlist forms


Embeddable widgets


Real-time social proof


Email verification


Advanced analytics

Pourquoi pourrait-il être utilisé waitforit?

#Cas d'utilisationStatut
# 1Building a waitlist for a new product launch
# 2Collecting emails for marketing campaigns
# 3Tracking waitlist performance and growth

Tarification de waitforit:



One-time payment for up to 500 signups, 3 projects, waitlist widget, hosted page, real-time social proof, email verification, advanced analytics, and viral referrals



One-time payment for up to 2,000 signups, 10 projects, waitlist widget, hosted page, real-time social proof, email verification, advanced analytics, and viral referrals (Most Popular)



One-time payment for up to 5,000 signups, unlimited projects, waitlist widget, hosted page, real-time social proof, email verification, advanced analytics, and viral referrals

Développé par waitforit?

Elias, with 17K followers on design, is the creator of waitforit, focusing on helping users build their products without worrying about the waitlist setup.

FAQ de waitforit